Friday, January 31, 2014

Just for Kicks, Try This: Core/Back Superset

Mah bestie met me at the gym this morning for a quick workout.  We cranked out 3 different supersets in under an hour.  Then I went home to my husband who was sitting on the couch with a bag of frozen peas on his crotch when I walked in.  It's going to be a long weekend.  But I got him some Mojo bars and some Nutter Butters to help ease the pain (I changed the u to and e - Nutter Betters!).  All in the name of remaining a family of 6.  What a guy. 

Next time you need a tough set to add to your routine, try this one.  A super set is two exercises performed in a row without stopping.  In our case, it was elevated cable pulls and inverted hip lifts on the stability ball.  We did 4 sets of 15 without stopping.  Except to take pictures with my iphone.  Just keeping our priorities in check.
Cable Pulls
The guy in the background?  Very focused today.  No distractions whatsoever.

Stability Ball Hip Lifts (core)

*Special thanks to my friend B for letting me take pictures of her buffness.  I doubt she knew what I was planning to do with them.  Shhhhh, don't tell.  Maybe she won't notice.

Have a fabulously fit weekend my friends.


  1. Are you kidding me? I tried doing those 'mermaids' on the ball last week. Not happening. If you were hosting the Three Step Aerobics tell me what the modified version would be? On the cable pulls do you just add as much weight as you can handle? ps I read somewhere you saying that after 30min of cardio you start to burn muscle mass...for reals?!

  2. So, the modified version on the stability ball would just be holding the plank position or just doing smaller hip elevations. Going into the handstand position isn't necessary for this exercise to be effective. It's definitely something that you have to work towards (I couldn't do it a year ago - so give it time). Depending on your strength level, you'll want to start the weight on the cable pulls at around 20-30 lbs. and work up from there. Remember that 15 is quite a few reps and you don't want to lose your form at all, so start out with less weight as opposed to more. You can't be too careful with your back. But it's also my favorite part of the body to work on because you see changes so quickly. Just try it out. You'll be surprised how natural it feels after a few sets. And yes, your body does begin to fuel itself with its own lean tissue during longer cardio sessions. I think many women are misinformed about this and end up doing more harm than good with all the cardio. If you happen to do a longer cardio session, fuel throughout with some kind of recovery drink to keep the loss of lean mass to a minimum. Still though, it will happen.

  3. Looks like a butt kicker. Will have to try this one soon!
