Last week on our original Green Shakes and Giggles blog, I wrote a post about habits and how they powerful they are. I also asked all you fine folks a few questions about your fitness routines. I loved the comments you left. They were SO insightful and thought provoking. Here, see for yourself...
comment #1 "Oh boy, do I ever need some motivation! I'm due with baby #3 in July, and I'm already waning on the desire to exercise. If you ever want to write a post about pregnancy exercises you've done, I would so so so love to hear some good ideas!
Right now, I do workout videos at home. PIlates, Jillian Micheals, P90X, etc. But to be honest, I can go a couple of months without exercising if I get thrown off somehow. Just like you said, you can easily slip back into your tried-and-true habits. I'm not even sure why I exercise, except I do feel more confident and I have more energy and joy when I've taken care of myself. And also because my buns and thighs show it very quickly if I don't exercise! (this could be due to my love for ice cream... )
I would really love to keep hearing more about what you're doing, how you're eating, the nitty gritty. I enjoy reading what works for everyone and then kind of coming up with a plan for my family. It's so much more motivating to hear other people's real-life stories and not just a diet book written by a celebrity. :)
Thank you for the reminder to keep my habits in line with my true goals. You always give great advice."
comment #2 "So, like I told you, my fitness routine has changed within the last 2 weeks. I have cut back on the Crossfit WODS (Workout of the Day) and have begun powerlifting. I lift 4 days a week (squats, deadlift, bench). I usually do a WOD on two of those days also. On the days I'm not lifting I supposed to do some sort of light cardio. I have 1 complete rest day. I am loving this new routine. I do have a lifting partner, so that helps me get there everyday. I like having her there to motivate me and help with form and stuff. Why do I work out? Just to stay active. I know it's good for me. etc. I'm not a competitor. Im not looking to be a body builder. I just want to be active. And hopefully look better while doing it. Not seeing change is discouraging. Thats one of the reasons I'm switching things up. Getting up and working out is not my problem though. It's the damn food and my lack of willpower. I like cookies!"
comment #3 ?I never have really thought of habits in the way you described. I read your post a few days ago and it has been tumbling around in my head ever since. I like that concept of each of us having good and bad habits.
For me, my routine depends on what I have going on in my life; ie. a job, a baby, a move, dealing with a bout of depression (it's happened this past year) ect, So that usually means I back off and take care of those things. But life is oh so much better when i am getting my fitness time in and it is something I always look forward to. Sometimes I am big into running, other times I'm all about HITT training. {I guess I am a cardio junkie after all.} I never have thought about specifically changing my body composition though. I could give you a million reasons why I workout, but ultimately I do it for me. Because when I do, I am a better person in all areas of my life. Continue posting about all your new information. I find it really interesting."
comment #4 "You, via this post, have been occupying my brain the past few days. You should just be my trainer. I think if I could have the body I want without exercising, I probably wouldn't do it faithfully. I don't love to exercise, but I love the way I look and feel if I am consistent about it. And while I wish I was beyond saying that how I look impacts how I feel about myself, it's just not true. I feel great when I look in the mirror and have muscles in the right places and am flat in others. I feel great when my pants fit just like they should and celebrate a little when they are too big. Keep 'em coming- I like the inspiration."
I honestly can't thank you enough for shedding some light on this topic for me. Really. I think it's so easy to convince ourselves (and everyone around us) that in regards to exercise and eating right, it's all about our health and longevity. And while those are DEFINITELY some of the more important aspects of healthy living, I think there's so much more to it. I love that all 4 of the gals who commented had no problem admitting that they really do care about how they look, how their clothes fit, and how they feel about themselves. As women, I think we're in a pretty freaking tight spot here. We know that what's on the inside is what matters most. We know that our self worth isn't necessarily connected to what we see in the mirror every day. Be a good person, do good deeds, blah blah blah. Seriously, I think I can safely assume we all get it. However, as women, I also think we have an innate desire to feel attractive (I think I just heard a collective gasp). We know it's not the most important thing in the world but man, it feels good to feel good in your own skin. The confidence that comes from feeling like you look great is immeasurable (especially if it translates into naked confidence - am I right???) Having good self-esteem affects just about everything in your life. But that's the thing. The line between understanding your self-worth and having good self-esteem has been so blurred, it's hard to tell the difference between those two VERY different concepts. If we care so much about our appearance that we neglect opportunities to serve and nurture those around us, we call ourselves vain. If we care about our intellect and assistance to others to the point the we neglect our appearance and our health, we consider ourselves unattractive and physically inferior. And really, those last two sentences are a MAJOR over-simplification. No wonder we constantly second guess ourselves!
You guys, I want this blog to be about becoming our best selves. There are SO many things that can be tied into this subject, and we'll touch on lots of them. But today, right now, I'm adding my voice to the awesome girls who commented last week. A big part of why I workout every day, eat properly, and focus on my physical goals is because I want my body to look it's best. I feel better and more confident in my life when I like what I see in the mirror. I'm a better mom, a better friend, a better daughter, and a WAY better wife when I feel good about myself. I've had this weird phrase bouncing around in my head all day long today that pertains to having good self-esteem. "If it's there, it's the least important thing. If it's not there, it's the most important thing."
If only we actually believed this
Being physically fit might not be important to everyone, and that's okay. It really is. The things that boost someones self-esteem can be VERY different from one person to the next, and quite frankly, I think that's awesome! I love discovering what makes people tick. But if I had to guess, I'd say that most women care, at least to some degree, about their physical appearance. It contributes either positively or negatively to their self-esteem. And if for some reason you are one of those people who is completely unaffected by the ever-lurking muffin top, rock on my friend. And, I hate you (not really...kind of).
*Sorry about the blah-ness of this blog format. It's evolving. Slowly. But only in my head so far.