Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Supplements - The Short Answer

So, you're working your butt off, watching your diet, and now seeing results.  It's awesome, right?  But of course, you start thinking, is there anything else I could be doing to optimize my performance/results/strength?  The short answer is yes.  There are supplements you can add to your diet to give yourself even more of an edge.  The problem is that there are SO many on the market that even a seasoned supplement veteran can get overwhelmed.  I'm still new to the world of supplements but honestly, I don't think anything makes a difference unless you have the big guns in place first (diet diet diet).  I can tell you what I've tried and what I feel like made a difference, but supplementing is kind of a trial and error thing.  You really have to figure out what works for you.  I've heard people say that creatine didn't do squat for them and I've heard people say that creatine made a world of difference (I'm in that camp).  So really, nobody can tell you exactly what will work for you.  You just have to figure it out.  

Right now I'm not supplementing with anything except collagen protein.  I wanted to give my body a break from everything for a while.  I'll get back to supplementing sometime in April or early May.  I mean, you know, summer and swimsuits and stuff.  But here's what I've really liked in the past (I'll explain these supplements in detail in a later post).

Creatine: You'll want to research this yourself before you use it.  I've heard people say that they felt bloated and blah while they were using creatine.  I never noticed that.  What I did notice was a serious increase in my muscle strength, tone, and size.  I was initially worried about getting "big and bulky" (ha!  yeah right), but that was never the case.  I just noticed lean muscles developing faster than they were before.  I like to "cycle" creatine use (3 months on, three months off).  I think it's one of the best products on the market, but definitely do your homework before you decide whether or not to put it on your list of things to try.

L-Glutamine: Initially I started taking this in capsule form, and then I switched to a protein that had L-Glutamine in it.  I'll probably go back to the capsules simply because I want to stick with my collagen protein.  I noticed less muscle soreness and quicker recoveries.

BCAA's (branch chain amino acids): Okay.  This is one that I honestly didn't take long enough to see a difference.  The capsules were so big I just couldn't do it.  Next time I try them I'll get it in powder form.  

Recovery drink:  Yes.  Definitely.  Especially if you are planning to do ANY type of long duration cardio.  It will help to keep your body from burning it's own lean tissue.

Thermogenic Capsules:  I'm hesitant to divulge this one, but honesty is the best policy, right?  Okay.  Do thermogenic products work?  Yes.  Sort of.  Are they a replacement for eating healthy and working your ass off?  No.  And if you try to use them that way you'll be seriously disappointed.  They are NOT a diet pill.  Research any "thermogenic" product before you even think about trying it.  They are very few that are worth the $.

Like I said, you can't out exercise or over-supplement a bad diet and expect results.  It won't happen.  They are SUPPLEMENTS.  They are meant to "supplement" an already sound exercise program and diet.  Only then will they do their thang.

1 comment:

  1. I've started using bcaa's and really like them. Will need to give creatine a go one of these days. Ahh, and great reminder to start using my recovery drink again. Esp for my longer training runs I'm doing. Thanks!!
